Materials Under Extreme Conditions
Sample and DAC Preparation
Top Industrie DAC Gas Loader
Custom DAC gas loader. Operating pressure up to 3000 bar. Ability to load both inert (Ar, Ne, He) and corrosive (e.g. H2) gases. Ability to measure the pressure in-situ (Ruby marker) during loading. Remote control of the compressor on a touchable screen and pneumatic valves.
Microscope Built-In Micromanipulator
The system allows the direct handling of samples in the microscale. Integrated with a built-in Microscope connected with the PC allowing even inexperienced users to perform complicated and delicate procedures by just controlling a computer mouse.
Laser Drilling
Table-top laser drilling and micromachining system used for gaskets, preparing samples and sample environments for DAC experiments. Ability to drill holes of <10 micrometers and of drilling non-conductive materials.
Ruby System
Compact system to measure pressure through ruby luminescence. A 405 nm laser is used together with an Ocean optics spectrometer
Single-Station Glove Box
Single-station glove box, continuously maintain a high-purity inert gas environment with less than 1ppm O2. Automatic control of: air pressure; gas purification system; regeneration process of the gas purification system.
NIKON SMZ 18 trinocular stereo microscope with NIS-Elements analysis software
Stereo Microscope with Touch-pad Screen
Trinocular Stereo Microscope
360° 3D digital Microscope
Mini-BX80 Diamond Anvil Cell
Symmetric Diamond Anvil Cell
Probing ​Techniques
Raman Spectroscopy: custom made confocal micro-Raman
1.5X3m self leveling platform
Shamrock 500i:
Aperture F/6.5, Focal length 500mm Gratings Interchangeable triple turret: 300, 600 and 1200 l/mm
Wavelength accuracy 0.04 nm
Wavelength repeatability 10 pm
Resolution: 0.06nm
Cobolt (HÜBNER) ultra narrow linewidth lasers
Twist: 457 nm, 50 mW
Fandango: 515 nm, 150 mW
Flamenco: 660 nm, 100 mW
iDus 420/BEX2-DD
Back Illuminated.
Deep Depletion CCD with anti-fringing.
Extended range dual AR coating.
Four-probe resistance measurement
This allows us to measure the resistance of materials under high pressure.
The whole setup is a combination of KEITHLEY 2450 (SourceMeter) and KEITHLEY DMM7510 (MultiMerter).